Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Well I haven't posted in a while. I haven't been doing very much other than work and Girl Scouts. I missed the actual reunion but I went to the game. There wasn't much of a turn out I thought that there would be more of us. I do think those that were planning did all that they could but the rest was really up to the class to make a good reunion. I wish that I could have gone to the reunion I would have loved to see some people again.

I attended Lauren's baby shower over the weekend. I haven't seen her in years and let me tell you she looked amazing! If it wasn't for the prego belly I would not have known she was pregnant. She does still have her "dancer's" legs. I loved seeing Connie too she looked so happy! I loved seeing old friends again. I would love to get together again soon. I am definitely going to see Lauren once things have settled down and she feels up to visitors. I wish that I had pictures to post but I had left my camera laying on the table at home (figures).

Girl Scouts has been so much fun and it really takes up a lot of my time but I feel it is totally worth it. I love being a girl scout. I think Anna likes it too, it's our time together.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Thanks for the compliments...I don't know about amazing...I don't feel amazing, that is for sure!

I definately want everyone to come and visit once she gets here!