Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Baby Update

We went to the doctor for the boys 4 month check and they are growing like weeds! Logan now weighs 15.15 lbs and is 24 inches long. William now weighs 13.10 lbs and is 24 inches long too. It was never in my stars to have small children.

Potty Training!!!!! Scarlet is now on her way to being potty trained. She is doing very well unless she gets busy then she tells us she has to go pee pee after there is a huge puddle in the floor. We are keeping our fingers crossed that she finally gets the hang of it soon. Oh yeah she is a closet pooper. We have to watch her very closely so we can get her to the bathroom, get her on her potty and give her her privacy before she poops in her pants (witch is hard by the way because she gets real quite and hides just before she poops).

Time flies when you are having fun! Anna has started the 5th grade and is quite the fashonista. You know I should have just saved all my crap from the 80's & 90's and I wouldn't have had to buy one stitch of back to school clothing for that girl!! It is absolutely hilarious to see her style and to think back on what we thought was cool at her age! She has started to wear deodorant and training bras, and she wants to start shaving her legs (which we are going to allow next summer).

Well that is about it with the kiddo update! Tootles!

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