Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I found out last week that my brother will be shipping off to either Iraq or Afghanistan on Dec. 1st. He is upset because he will be missing Kahnon's 1st Christmas and her 1st birthday. I ask that you pray for his safe return. He is leaving Friday to report to Washington state where he will be stationed I assume for a few years at least.

I am extremely glad that my 1st trimester is nearing it's end. I really hope my 2nd trimester brings some relief from morning sickness. I can't wait to be able to get my appetite back and I hope my chicken aversion subsides because I used to love chicken. I hate taking the belly pictures because you really can see a slight difference in size each week (it is starting to scare me a little).

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

New niece!

I got to meet my new niece yesterday! I will say that she is beautiful! She was so little and pink. My brother look smitten and wrapped already! This make baby #2 for my sister-in-law, so she seemed more interested in her computer at times than she did in Kanhon (I think that is how they are spelling her is a shortened version of the mother's maiden name.) Anyway I am not sure when I will get to see her again seeing as how they are going to be stationed in Washington state and I don't see Rachel wanting to spend time with our side of the family. I am just thankful that we got to see her when we did.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Babies A & B

Well Michael & I decided that we are going to take weekly pictures of my belly since it is possible to see a difference quicker than with a singleton pregnancy. I will post them (well maybe not every week) so here is my first belly shot. Now please keep in mind there is still some of my chunk there but honestly I have gained 7 lbs and I can already feel that hard belly uncomfortable feeling when I try to lay on my stomach. My pants are also starting to get snug on me....I feel like I am about 3 months or so prego. Lord help me I am going to be huge! Do they make maternity clothes that big?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Baby B well A & B

Michael and I had our first official OB apt. yesterday! We were all excited to hear the heart beat and all that good stuff.....well.....we got all ready for the ultra sound and the tech said "guess what..y'all are having twins"! Yes we are.....twins! Michael is extremely excited and I am still in shock wondering what this pregnancy is going to be like! I was told that even though my official due date is 4/22 I will be having a c-section the end of March beginning of April. Since I had a c-section with Anna my Dr. will not let me deliver naturally for mine & the babies' sake. I will have to a ultra sound every time I visit & my visits will be get closer together a lot sooner than normal. I was told that since they are fraternal they have separate yolk sacks, placentas etc... that my risk of a miscarriage is less than 1% at this point. The babies are exactly the length and at the development stage they are supposed to be at! Both my mom and my mother in law thought we were lying to them and actually needed to be told more than once and shown pictures. It has started to sink in for me since I am the one with my head in the toilet in the evenings and I can already tell that my pants are getting tighter. I knew there was a reason why I was so sick but still able to gain 6 pounds in 8 weeks! Lord I just ask that y'all pray for my sanity!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tuesday Morning

This weekend was great, well sort of:

We went to a kick off party at a friends and had a really good time. Scarlet got to jump on a trampoline for the first time and she had the time of her life(nice & worn out too!). Michael got so much done on the girls club house...all four walls are now up! Sunday was the usual church in the morning, lounge in the evening. All the trouble began when we decided to eat Sunday dinner with Michael's parents. Scarlet got sick & threw her little guts up all over her highchair. Let me tell you that is one pitiful sight...seeing your child throwing up cause there is nothing you can do until they get done. Once we got her all cleaned up and settled down we went home & put her to bed and she slept better that night then she had all week. Monday started out really great. Scarlet helped Michael take the tire off of my car, she played all morning, fed the turtles and had breakfast. Around ten that morning we laid down to take our morning nap, nothing new. I woke up around 11:30 zapped of all energy and every muscle in my body hurt and my tongue is swollen with scabs on it, I knew that I'd had a seizure.

Okay I make it through the weekend, Tuesday morning rolls around & I know that I have to go work. I get ready and Michael & I hop in the car (I have to ride with him because under Al. law I can't drive for 6 months). On our way in to work I ask him to pull over cause I felt seriously queasy. Once he pulls over I start to open the door but it is to late, it ends up getting all on the inside of his car door as I am trying to make it onto the concrete. I hate morning sickness! Thank God that man loves me. I did tell him sorry & that he had better hope this is a little boy b/c it is going to take some serious convincing to get me to go through this again.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


I understand why some parents home school their children. Michael & I are seriously considering it at the moment. We learned yesterday the Pres. Obama wants to address the children of the nation at school. That sounds fine & dandy right except a few little left out details....he won't tell people what it is about & wants to issue homework. I have a major problem with all of this knowing his political & social affiliations. I know the problems that he seems to be having with passing his "Obama care" crap and the opposition to his socialist views. Michael & I are concerned about the content of his message & what he is wanting the children to do ("how can I help Pres. Obama?" paper from what we understand). I mean since he can't get the voting adults in on his side why not try to persuade the next generation to become socialist.... I don't think so, maybe in North Korea (and I think something like that happened with the "Hitler Youth") but not in America. This is America the free, the brave damn it and I want it to stay that way. My children are not going to be a part of his games. We learned that there are a lot of schools opting out of the telecast & I praise them for the protection they are giving our children. We are hoping that Anna's school will be one of them but if not a letter will be sent to her teacher & the principal and hell we will probably keep her home for the day just to be on the safe side. Like I said before if she gets in trouble for that both of my parent have masters in education & my dad is a cert. teacher. I think they can handle the schooling part of their lives! Thank God we still have our freedom of speech.... for now!